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Constitutional growth delay pdf info

Chief Zadorozny said the kitch en and the dining and living rooms of the two-story house arc gutted. Chief Zadorozny said he fell Into the basement from a stair way leading to the second floor. He was admitted to Monmuth Medical Center for observation and released this morning. Rockefeller for a he fell through the damaged first was Nixon's rival for the 1960 floor to the basement. Hutting, * patrolman and exfire chief, bruised his knee when Nixon and Sen. and William Hutting of 20 West situation with Eisenhower, for- Grant St. ers of both parties on the Cuban Injured were Fire Chief Richard Zadorozny of 59 Rose Ct Late last week he discussed the affair. Kennedy thus is touching all 279 bases as far as contacting lead- Mrs. Johnson to fly to Missouri for a similar talk with Trunan. five-minute audience with Francis Cardinal Spellman here yes- And he assigned Vice Presidenl terday. Pestana, 7-A Gold St., Red NEW YORK CITY - Joseph Kennedy invited the Republican Bank, named one of the five governor to the White House for outstanding young men of New a mid-afternoon briefing on the Jersey for 1960 by the Junior invasion and the problems of combatting pro-communist Fide] Chamber of Commerce, had a Castro's Cuban regime. Nelson Rockefeller of New York and former President Hai+y Truman were to be filled in today on Kennedy's Cuban policy. Eisenhower with early planning of last week's rebel landings in Cuba. Udall tying in former President Dwlght D. Republican reaction to a remark port's improvement are new fa- by Secretary of The interior Stewart L. They do not understand it it confuses accountants, lawyers and businessmen." Month's Recess Considering that the lawmakers returned to Trenton without many plans after a month's recess to work on the primary (See TAX, ) New Red Bank Area Airport Suggested To Congress byfaa posed to anyone within or without the administration attempting and heliports for the Long Branch to shift the responsibility." -Asbury Park areas, and im- There was no elaboration to the provements to Monmouth County White House statement but it apparently was prompted by sharp Suggested for Red Bank Air- Airport in Wall Township.

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Gross! said the form "stirred more agitation in this state than at any time since adoption of the Volstead Act (Prohibition). The two-page form developed by the state, to help businessmen and 'farmers report personal property in place of the former informal arrangements with assessors, caused a great furore. Democratic senators introduced a resolution calling for creation of a 14-man unit to draw up a new simplified tax form. If the Assembly agrees, the delay will have the effect of increasing the dollar worth of assessment deductions for elderly homeowners and veterans, since their worth was slated to drop where assessments were raised in most -counties. Wayne Dumont Jr., R-Warren, said in their opinion the counties would have to rescind the resolutions. Gross! said the tax board resolutions just take effect next April 1.

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County tax boards already have set percentages of market value to use in each county as a basis for tax assessments. Some parts of the tax reform bill, passed lastjeaf, already had taken effect. An attempt was made to start a combined bill through the Assembly but it failed to muster enough votes for emergency passage. "The President i«strongly op- assessors to increase or decrease assessments one-third each in 1963, 19, by a 14-1 vote. and so that it will be understood by all. He has stated it on all occasions and he restates lfnow Two Hurt Fighting HouseFire EATONTOWN Two firemen were injured yesterday in fighting a fire which badly damaged the six-room home of Mr.

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The White House Issued a statement last night which said: "President Kennedy has stated from the beginning that as President he bears sole responsibility for the events of the past few days.


A barrage of protests from business and professional men about a complicated tax form yesterday prompted the upper house to pass a bill postponing the historic assessment changes until the 1963 tax year, not The Senate passed the delay measure It also passed a companion bill, allowing local Kennedy on Cuba Takes Blame For Invasion WASHINGTON (AP) President Kennedy has again made it dear that he takes full respon sibility for whatever part the United States played in the ill starred Cuban invasion. J., TUESDAY, APRIL 25, c PER COPY BY CARRIER 17,675 PAGE ONE Delay TaxReformAction TRENTON (AP) The longawaited local property tax reform will have to wait a little longer if the state Senate has its way. S«caod Clui Potus* 35c PER WEEK ftud at Bad Bank and u Additional lialuns OIUcu. 209 BED BANK I Independent Daily f ( HOHDAY THROUGH rt]d*!l «J Distribution Today SH I Iuued dally. night and Wednesday scattered thunderitormi developing high today 65-70 low tonight, St.

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